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What we CAN do for Sellers

If you are SELLING this is what we CAN do

The DRF Team is renowned for their “CAN-DO” attitude, so in this uncertain time – let’s add some certainty and let you know what WE CAN DO if you are looking to sell your home.

Online Listing Consultation – WE CAN:

“Meet” with you virtually and discuss market information, comps and the listing of your home


Showings/Online Tours – WE CAN:

Create virtual home tours and feature your home on the Luxury Portfolio and Leading Real Estate marketing channels

Feature your home with the Colorado Landmark weekly virtual tour report


Valuable Information – WE CAN:

Provide you with a build fax, listing look and myfloodstatus report for your home

Create and send electronic comps and market valuations


E-Process – WE CAN:

Do electronic delivery of inspection reports

Do online signing for all buyers’ agency documents and disclosures via docusign or CTMe contracts


Connect – WE CAN:

Connect you with the best inspectors in town who are following the COVID-19 guidelines stringently and CAN conduct a listing look “ready to sell” report

Connect you with our network of in-house realtors and inform them about coming soon and off market listings


Pre-Screening – WE CAN:

Ensure that any potential buyers and buyer’s agents complete the Colorado Landmark COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaire


Virtual Reviews – WE CAN:

Meet you online and review contracts, discuss disclosures, review the inspection, review the due diligence docs

Do virtual reviews of CMAs, comps and a general market analysis


Earnest Money – WE CAN:

Arrange for the earnest money to be wired or transmitted via ACH

Do curbside pick up and curbside delivery of earnest money checks


House Key Delivery – WE CAN:

Conduct sanitized house key delivery service post closing


Closings – WE CAN:

Do curbside closings after Zoom call review

Do contactless closings – close virtually on zoom with a virtual notary


Community – WE CAN:

Give back to the community with time and money as we continue to do business safely and with a client first approach


We CAN get through this together Call us at 303.652.8800 – We are here!

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